Teachers, Here “It” Comes! 葳格萬聖節活動 - 報告老師,牠…牠…牠來了!
2017 Halloween Fun at Wagor Bilingual Elementary School
葳格小學2017萬聖節活動 - 報告老師,牠…牠…牠來了!
To reinforce cross cultural teaching and let students learn about Halloween customs through fun activities, Wagor Bilingual Elementary School arranged a series of Halloween activities for our students in October.
All the classrooms were decorated by our students, teachers and parents with their creativity. In writing class, students wrote stories about Halloween. In iWagor class in which the goal is to engage students in learning and provide the technological skills needed for them to develop their own unique projects, students created a recording of themselves as a Halloween character using MSQRD on iPad.
First and second graders wore their Halloween costumes and went trick or treating classroom to classroom and also to the principal’s office. They sang “Trick or Treat” to the teachers and to their classmates with joy and laughter.
In the evening on October 27th, more than 3000 people gathered in Wagor Bilingual Elementary School for the “Halloween Night.” The theme of this year was “Teachers, Here It Comes!” They enjoyed playing the fun Halloween game stations and visiting the spooky Wagor Haunted House hosted and designed by our teachers.
此外,學校亦規劃了許多的萬聖節的活動讓孩子們參與,如一、二年級的“不給糖就搗蛋”活動(Trick or Treat)與10月27晚上的萬聖節之夜。
在Trick or Treat的活動中,孩子們穿著精心設計的服裝穿梭在各個教室、辦公室、圖書館、甚至校長室之間,他們可愛的妝扮與笑容,快樂的笑聲以及”Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat….”的歌聲充滿在葳格校園的每個角落。
葳格雙語學校 西屯校區小學部部落格:http://wagorprimary.blogspot.tw/